Unbelievable is a limited series on Netflix released in the year 2019. The Crime TV show Unbelievable on Netflix has a total of 8 episodes.

The series Unbelievable is based on the work of Propublica’s work “Explorers cost of not believing rape victims” and The Marshall Project. Unbelievable is the real story of Marie, whose role is played by Actress Kaitlyn Dever. Marie is a young woman who lives in Lynnwood, Washington. When she reported of being raped, she was accused of lying. Marie was charged for filing a false rape case in 2008. Imagine the pain of Marie – being raped and then when looking for justice being accused and then charged for false rape case.
Marie, after the release of the Netflix series Unbelievable appeared in an interview and said that she is thankful to Netflix for bringing out her story and that whatever happened with her should never happen with anybody.
The story of Marie being raped which wasn’t at first believed by the cops. Instead she was accused of lying. After three years, a same incidence occurs. Comparing such cases, Detective Karen and Grace come around Marie’s case and find similarities in them. However, in between all this Marie’s name is leaked to the Press. Marie faces legal difficulties as well as difficulties at her place of work. She is traumatized. Marie is still struggling and facing difficulties. Though, the detectives Karen and Grace investigates the matter deeply and then find that besides Marie, there is another such victim. The rapist is now identified and arrested.
Unbelievable Cast
- Kaitlyn Dever as Marie Adler
- Toni Collette as Det. Grace Rasmussen
- Dale Dickey as RoseMarie
- Austin Hébert as Max Duvall
- Merritt Wever as Det. Karen Duvall
- Scott Lawrence as Billy Taggart
- Eric Lange as Detective Parker
- Danielle Macdonald as Amber Stevenson
- Elizabeth Marvel as Judith
Unbelievable Season 2
Netflix has no plans to renew Unbelievable series.