Cheaters BBC Cast 2022

Cheaters written by Oliver Lyttelton aired on BBC One, 8th February 2022 at 9:45pm. The whole series Cheater will also be available to binge on BBC iPlayer. Cheaters is a messy, sexy, comedy-drama about morality and monogamy, and everything in between.

Joshua McGuire as Josh

Joshua McGuire is a British television, film and stage actor. 

Age35 years
Height1.63 m

Susan Wokoma as Fola

Susan Indiaba Wokoma is a British actress and writer.

Age34 years

Callie Cooke as Esther


Jack Fox as Zack

Jack Louis Fox is a British actor.

Age36 years

Shiloh Coke as Georgia

Shiloh Coke is an actress, composer, musician and writer.

Age29 years

Andrea Valls as Nina


Adam Dean as Ayadi Damien

Jay Lycurgo as Paul

Victoria Broom as Karen

Bronwyn James as Natalie

Glenn Wrage as Tim Regan

Tobi Bamtefa as Rohan

Ross Boatman as Noah

Jim Norton as Harold

Henry Perryment as Connor

Bernardo Santos as Darren

Ánne Mággá Wigelius as Airline Rep

Buom Tihngang as Kwasi

Gina Fillingham as Pharmacist

Monty Onanuga as School Receptionist

Davina Moon as Meera

Beth Rylance as Becky

Alice Vilanculo as Airline Rep

Nneka Okoye as Tash

Sarah Thom as Celebrant

Cael King as Delivery Driver

Naomi Katiyo as Pupil

Ray Sesay as Henry


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