Unfortunately, 15 Storeys High is not streaming on any of the movie/tv show streaming channels or platforms. But you can still watch the series on my YouTube Channel.

Six Episodes in Season 1 and Season 2 each is available to watch. Please Subscribe my channel.
Open YouTube and Check the Playlist “15 Storeys High”. 6 Episodes each of Season 1 and Season 2 is uploaded on my Channel.
Sean Lock
15 Storeys high starring Sean Lock as Vince, died due to Cancer at the age of 58.

Comedian Sean Lock died at the age of 58 due to Cancer.
Sean Lock was an English actor and comedian. Sean Lock won the British Comedy Award in the year 2000.
Sean Lock was born on 22 April 1963 in Chertsey, United Kingdom. Sean Lock died due to Cancer on August 18, 2021.
Age | 58 years |
Height | 183 cm |
Wife | Anoushka Nara Giltsoff |
Net Worth | $2 – $4 million |