Tangled Mother Knows Best Full Song Lyrics

Donna Murphy, Mother Knows Best, from Tangled. Full Song Lyrics, song between Rapunzel and her mother Gothel, who kidnapped Rapunzel. Gothel kept Tangled in house arrest and made her believe that she is mother. Gothel shows that she loves Rapunzel. Rapunzel, when turns 18, wants to go outside, but Gothel convinces her to never step outside the tower. Here is the full song lyrics between Rapunzel and Gothel.

Rapunzel with her Real Mother

You want to go outside

Why Rapunzel?

Look at you as fragile as a flower

Still a little sapling just a sprout

You know why we stay up in this tower

I Know but

That is right

To keep you safe and sound Dear

Guess I always knew this day was coming

Knew that soon you would want to leave the nest

Soon but not yet


Shhh Trust me Pet

Mother knows best

Mother knows best

Listen to your mother

It is a scary world out there

Mother knows best

One way or another

Something will go wrong

I swear Ruffians Thugs Poison Ivy Quicksand

Cannibals and Snakes

The plague

No Yes But

Also large bugs

Men with pointy teeth and

Stop no more you will just upset me

Mother is right here

Mother will protect you

Darling here is what I suggest

Skip the drama Stay with mama

Mother knows best

Got ahead get trampled by a Rhino

Go ahead get mugged and left for dead

Me I am just your mother, what do I know?

I only bathed and changed and nursed You

Go ahead and leave me

I deserve it

Let me die alone here be my Guest

When it is too late

You will see just wait

Mother knows best

Mother knows best

Take it from your mummy

On your own you won’t survive

Sloppy Underdressed Immature Clumsy

Please they will eat you up alive

Gullible Naive Positively Grubby

Ditzy and a bit well hmmm vague

Plus I believe getting kinda chubby

I am just saying cause I love you

Mother understands

Mother is here to help you

All I have is one request



Do not ever ask to leave this tower again

Yes mother

I love you very much dear

I love you more I love you most

Do not forget it

You will regret it

Mother knows best
