The Netflix series The First Wives Club premiered on November 15, 2023. This BET+ original series retells the classic story of three college friends, Ari, Hazel, and Bree. Due to the untimely death of a common friend, their paths cross again, and as they deal with Hazel’s very public divorce, Ari’s unsatisfying marriage, and Bree’s unfaithful spouse, a relationship stronger than ever rekindles.
This 2019 rendition of the First Wives Club story adds a new, contemporary twist to the original story. The series promises to keep the inspiring spirit of its predecessor while educating a new generation to the joys of female friendship and righteous revenge, with a commitment to diversity and a contemporary approach.
The series reimagines the storyline with a completely African-American cast, providing a new perspective on the experiences of women experiencing comparable challenges, resulting in a more varied and inclusive plot. At the centre of the First Wives Club are three dynamic characters: Ari, Bree, and Hazel, who are brought to life by Ryan’s extraordinary talents. Jill Scott, Michelle Buteau, and Michelle Bathe.