The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild is an adventure comedy animation film. The film is about the possums who went to the Lost World in search of a better life. When the Possum brothers, Eddie and Crash, set out to find their own place. But instead Eddie and Crash are trapped in a huge ice cave inhabited by dinosaurs. They are rescued by an adventure-loving one-eyed weasel, Buck Wild, with the help of some new friends. This exciting and dangerous adventure takes place in The Lost World, the most dangerous place on Earth.
The Lost World is described as a place that hosts giant predators, traps, and everything else that animals that are not at the top of the food chain should avoid. Then how will the story of Eddie and Cash continue? Will Buck Wild and his fellow heroes be able to save The Lost World?
Simon Pegg as Buckminster “Buck” Wild
Simon John Pegg is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer.
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Age | 51 years |
Height | 1.78 m |
Spouse | Maureen Pegg |
Vincent Tong as Crash
Vincent Tong is a Canadian voice actor and voice director.
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Age | 41 years |
Height | NA |
Aaron Harris as Eddie
Utkarsh Ambudkar as Orson
Utkarsh Ambudkar, also known by his stage name UTK the INC, is an American actor, rapper, and singer.
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Age | 38 years |
Height | 1.78 m |
Spouse | Naomi Campbell |
Justina Machado as Zee
Justina Milagros Machado is an American actress.
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Age | 49 years |
Height | 1.55 m |
Sean Kenin as Manny
Sean Kenin is an American Film and Television actor.
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Age | 49 years |
Height | 1.75 m |
Spouse | Rohana Kenin |
Jake Green as Sid
Jake Green is an actor.
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Age | NA |
Height | NA |
Spouse | NA |
Skyler Stone as Diego
Skyler Joseph Clipner, professionally known as Skyler Stone is an American actor.
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Age | 43 years |
Height | 1.73 m |
Spouse | Nicole |
Dominique Jennings as Ellie
Dominique Jennings is an American actress.
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Age | 56 years |
Height | NA |
Spouse | Lonnie Brandon |