A Normal Family Netflix Cast

“A Nearly Normal Family” (En helt vanlig familj) is a Netflix Swedish crime thriller that follows the Sandell family as their daughter is suspected of murder. The series features Alexandra Karlsson Tyrefors, Lo Kauppi, Björn Bengtsson, Christian Fandango Sundgren, Melisa Ferhatovic, Håkan Bengtsson, Christoffer Willén, Sara Chaanhing Kennedy and Pablo Leiva Wenger.

A Nearly Normal Family is about the Sandell family, which consists of a priest, a lawyer, and their 19-year-old daughter. The Sandells appear to enjoy a beautiful life in a suburban area outside of Lund, but their peaceful existence is turned upside down when their daughter is accused of murder. While the Sandells want to help their daughter, they are plagued by questions and uncertainties, most notably about how well they know her. A Nearly Normal Family stands out for its story structure and the performances of its cast members, all of whom will undoubtedly be unfamiliar to audiences outside of Europe.

Alexandra Karlsson Tyrefors as Stella Sandell

Alexandra Karlsson Tyrefors as Stella Sandell

Stella Sandel, Ulrika and Adam’s 19-year-old daughter, is played by Alexandra Karlsson Tyrefors. Stella was sexually abused by the new assistant coach at a training camp four years before the events of the series, an occurrence that damaged not just her but also her family dynamic. Stella meets Chris in the present, but her life takes a turn a few weeks later when she is arrested and charged with Chris’ murder. Alexandra Karlsson Tyrefors’ first acting role was in A Nearly Normal Family.

Lo Kauppi as Ulrika Sandell

Lo Kauppi as Ulrika Sandell

Ulrika Sandell, Stella’s mother and Adam’s wife, is played by Lo Kauppi. After Stella was assaulted at training camp, Ulrika, a lawyer, insisted on not reporting the crime since there was no physical proof and an investigation would only further traumatise Stella, a move that harmed her connection with her daughter and her marriage. In the present, Ulrika is struggling with her disintegrating marriage and an affair with a colleague lawyer, in addition to Stella’s case and doing her best to prove her innocence. Lo Kauppi performed in a number of Swedish TV episodes, TV films, and short films before making her directing debut in 2010 with the TV film Bergsprängardottern som exploderade.

Björn Bengtsson as Adam Sandell

Adam Sandell, Stella’s father and Ulrika’s spouse, is played by Björn Bengtsson. Adam is a Church of Sweden priest who had a close relationship with Stella but has struggled to reconnect with her following the assault. As if that weren’t enough, Adam feels Ulrika is up to something, and one night, he sees Stella downstairs, holding blood-splattered garments. Björn Bengtsson has appeared in a number of Swedish TV episodes and films, the most noteworthy of which being Sigefrid in Netflix’s The Last Kingdom.

Christian Fandango Sundgren as Christogger “Chris” Olden

Stella’s lover and the murder victim in the series. Christian Fandango Sundgren starred as Robin in Eagles, Tobias in Barracuda Queens, and Otto Silverhielm in Evil.

Melisa Ferhatovic as Amina Besic

Stella’s best friend, who was at the training camp where Stella was molested. Melisa Ferhatovic played Vera in the miniseries La Tormenta Sueca prior to her part in A Nearly Normal Life.

Håkan Bengtsson as Mikael Blomberg

Ulrika’s coworker, with whom she is having an affair, informs her that the police are seeking for Stella, the key suspect in a murder case. Hkan Bengtsson has appeared in a number of Swedish television episodes, including Wallander (and one episode of the BBC adaptation), The Bridge, Alone in Space, The Hunt for a Killer, and the film I Am Zlatan.

Christoffer Willén as Robin

Stella was sexually attacked at training camp by an assistant coach. Christoffer Willén had previously acted in Swedish short films as well as the television programmes Heder and The Playlist.

Sara Chaanhing Kennedy as Alexandra Besic

Amina’s mother and a Sandell family friend. Sara Chaanhing Kennedy has been in a number of Swedish television programmes, including Wallander, The Bridge, Heder, and Sugarbabe, as well as Amazon Prime Video’s Absentia.

Pablo Leiva Wenger as Dominic Besi

Amina’s father and a Sandell family friend, Pablo Leiva Wenger has appeared in several Swedish TV shows, including Syrror, The Lawyer, It’s All About Love, Dumpad, Beck, and Netflix’s Quicksand.
